Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The Curse of the Black Pearl Trailer Analysis


The film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is a film of the Action adventure genre. The main theme of the film is based around English Pirates, in the early 18th Century. A lot of sword fighting is involved in the movie, which is a genre indicator of action adventure films. The film stars the popular and successful actor Johnny Depp, who plays the protagonist of the film. This would help attract an audience for the movie, as Depp has been involved many different films.

One type of soundtrack that we can hear in the trailer for the movie is the sound of the pirates swords clashing in combat. This indicates that the film's genre is action adventure. Combat scenes involving weapons are conventional to films of this genre. One other piece of diegetic soundtrack that is used is dialogue. The accents of the characters can help the audience identify that they are pirates and whether they are the protagonists or antagonists of the movie. Soundtrack is an example of non diegetic sound that can be heard in the background of the trailer. The use of the soundtrack increasing in volume and tempo during the fight scenes, shows to the audience that tension is being built.

One camera shot that is used at the beginning of the trailer is a close up of the antagonist of the movie. This is an effective shot as it shows his facial expressions, which is a stern and angry look. An example of a camera angle that is used is a low angle shot. This is shown when Captain Jack Sparrow, who is played by Johnny Depp, is introduced. Another example of a camera shot that is used in the film is a birds eye view shot, where the camera is looking down on the army of royal soldiers, as well as the large Union Jack flag also in the shot. This is used so we can identify the status of the characters.

An example of an editing effect that is used in the trailer is making the valuable items of gold coins and necklaces seem brighter than they are, by adding a glowing effect coming off of them. Captain Jack Sparrow is given the prevalence throughout the trailer, so the audience can empathise with how he is feeling at the different points in the film. The transitions between the shots in the trailer vary during the trailer. In the opening parts of the trailer, the fades between scenes are slower, so the audience can be introduced to the characters and can have a basic understanding of the storyline. However, during the combat and action scenes, more fast cuts are used, to exploit the tension that is involved in the film.

Mise en Scene:
Due to the time period of the film being 18th century England, the costumes that are worn by the characters in the film are historic and therefore are shown as something that the audience cannot relate to. The props of Swords and treasure chests can also help show to us that the film is not based around modern times. A lot of the Curse of the Black Pearl is filmed at sea, although other seaports that are filmed at include areas of England and Jamaica. This is showing to us that although the film is set in a historic era of time, the film is not set in fictional locations. However, when the antagonist changes from to skeleton form, it hints to us that the curse is a fictional idea for the film.

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