The Conjuring is a film of the horror genre that was released in 2013. The film is directed by James Wan, who has been involved heavily with horror films. The film is based on a true story, a common theme for horror movies.
In the trailer for the film both diegetic and non diegetic sound is used. An example of diegetic sound that is used in the trailer is dialogue. The way in which the protagonists speak and the subjects that they are talking about show to the audience that they are anxious and nervous. The other main type of diegetic sound that is used is from the objects. For example if something falls and crashes, the audience can tell that there's paranormal activity in the film. The soundtrack that is played in the background of the trailer is an example of non diegetic sound. It is used to enhance the tense atmosphere to the audience.
One type of camera shot that is used in the film is an extreme close up. This is effectively used to highlight the detail of the possessed character's eye, which is used to bring fear to the audience. Another camera shot that is used in the trailer is a two shot of the protagonists. This is effective as it shows that they have a close relationship together and the proximity between the two of the characters is close. One camera angle in the film that we can see is a high angle shot, which is shown when the characters are looking down the stairs to the basement. This is a good angle, as it shows that the protagonists have the higher status in the scene.
Mise en scene:
The location of the film is of a old neighbourhood house, which is conventional for horror films, as it makes it more relatable to the audience. The costumes worn by the audience are old and smart, which shows that the film is set in the past. The lighting that is used in the film is low level, which adds to the creepy mood that the film sets.
The trailer uses a lot of slow fades during the trailer to help introduce the characters to the audience. However, quick cuts are also used to build tension in the trailer. No one seems to be given prevalence in the trailer, which is uncommon for a horror film trailer.
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