Monday, 4 September 2017

Groundhog Day Trailer Analysis


Groundhog Day is a film that is of the comedy genre. The film stars well known comedy film actor Bill Murray, which is s unique selling point. Due to the genre of the film being comedy, as well as being rated PG, the target audience of the film is for audience members of all ages, but mainly families.

One type of sound that is used in the film is diegetic. An example of this sound type that we can hear in the trailer is Dialogue. For example, some of the lines that the characters say in the film are used to make the audience laugh. An example of non diegetic sound that is heard in the trailer is narration. This is used to give the audience a brief understanding of the plot and storyline of the film. Another type of non diegetic sound which is used in the trailer is soundtrack, which is an upbeat and jovial pied of music. This is conventional for comedy films, as it sets a happy mood.

One effective camera shot that is used in the trailer is a close up. This shot type is used to show the facial expressions of the character and to show the audience their emotions. Another shot type that is used is a two shot of the protagonists of the film. This is effective as it shows the audience the relationship between the characters.

Mise en scene:
The use of having the film being set in Pennsylvania in the United States conforms to the settings of  comedy film, as they are usually set in large well known locations. The use of the protagonist's costume and props that he has shows to the audience his job and social status.

The transitions between the scenes in the trailer are mainly fast cuts to show the upbeat mood of the film. The character who is given the prevalence in the trailer is the protagonist of the film who is played by Bill Murray. This is so the audience can empathise with him.

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