Insidious is a highly popular and successful horror movie that is directed by James Wan. This is a unique selling point of the film, as this director has directed other successful horror movies, such as Saw and The Conjuring. The film is based around a child, who becomes possessed by paranormal and ghostly figures. The target audience of Insidious is mainly teenagers and young adults, due to the theme of possessed characters.
One effective camera shot that we can see used in the trailer is an over the shoulder shot. This is used to show an antagonist coming up behind one of the protagonists of the film. This is a good choice of camera shot, as they can see something that the character in the film cannot see. Another camera shot that is used in the trailer is an extreme close up of one of the character's eyes. This is a good choice of shot as it shows the fear that the character has. One effective camera angle that we can see used is a low angle shot of the female protagonist as she is looking up the stairs to the second floor of the house. This is an effective angle, as it highlights to the audience the size of the setting of the film.
One effective type of diegetic sound that we can hear when watching the trailer is the sound of the metronome, as well as the other items that repeatedly tick. This is a unique theme of the film, which has been used to create a chilling atmosphere when the audience are watching the trailer. Another piece of diegetic sound that is heard in the trailer is dialogue, that we can hear used by the protagonists. From listening to the dialogue, the audience can identify the character's feelings of worry and fear. The main type of non diegetic sound that we can hear in the trailer of Insidious is soundtrack. This is used to increase the tense mood and atmosphere, as well as to put fear into the audience watching.
One type of editing that is effectively used in the trailer of the film is the consistent cuts to the a black screen, with white text that reads "Insidious is Insidious" This would want to make audience members watch the film, as they would want to know what the message means. During the tense scenes of the trailer, where some of the characters are panicking and worried, fast pace cuts are used. Prevalence of the trailer is given to the parents of the child, who are the protagonists of the film. This is so the audience can empathise with the worrying emotion that they are feeling.
Mise en Scene:
The location of the movie is a old, haunted house in a normal American town. The use of this is to make it seem more realistic and relatable to the audience watching the film. The main lighting type that is shown in the trailer is low key, which is a genre indicator for a horror movie. As well as the location being naturalistic, the characters costumes are also very casual, which also makes it more relatable for the audience, as they feel the people could be like them.
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