Monday, 11 September 2017

Saw Trailer analysis


The film Saw is of the horror genre  and is directed by well known horror film director James Wan. This is a unique selling point for the movie, as horror film fans enjoy his work with other horror films. The target audience for the movie is young adults and predominantly male, due to the violence and gore involved in the film.

One type of diegetic sound that is used in the trailer is dialogue. The dialogue heard by the different character's can help the audience identify if they are a protagonist or an antagonist in the film. For example, the character talking over a radio in the background can be seen as the antagonist of the movie, due to his stern and chilling voice. Another example of diegetic sound that is in the film are the paranormal noises, which are heard in the background by the protagonists of the film. These are effective as they add fear to the trailer when being watched. Soundtrack is the main type of non diegetic sound that is heard in the trailer. It has a low tempo and is of a slow pace, to add to the eerie atmosphere of the trailer.

Mise en Scene:
The costumes that are worn by the characters in the trailer are very casual, which give the film a very naturalistic mood to it. It also makes the protagonists seem like normal people, which will make them seem realistic to the audience. However, the setting of the film would not be as relatable, as it is located in an abandoned building. This is a conventional location for a horror movie, as they are commonly viewed as scarier places to be around. The lighting changes frequently, with it sometimes being strobe lighting. This is effectively used as it increases the tension in the film, making it almost uncomfortable for the audience to watch.

One key piece of editing that is used in the trailer for the film is having certain scenes put into slow motion. This is used to highlight to the audience what the characters are doing, as well as how they're feeling. The two young males are given prevalence in the trailer, so the audience can empathise with how they are feeling. Several fade to blacks are used to transition between the scenes, to slow down the pace of the trailer.

One shot type that is shown in the trailer is a two shot. This is used to show the close and friendly relationship between the two protagonists of the movie. Another shot that we can see used in the trailer is a close up of the surveillance camera screen. This is an effective shot that is used as it shows that the characters of the film are being filmed, making the audience feel uncomfortable. An example of a camera angle that we can see in the trailer is a high angle shot. It is used to belittle the characters, as well as show that they are in no control of what has happened to them.

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