There are several different types of titles that we have used throughout our film trailer.
An example of a title that we used is our two titles for production companies. Our first of these is "Asylum Productions." The design of this title shows an old fashioned video camera placed on a tripod. The theme of the black and white colours show contrasting connotations. The colour black connotes mystery and fear, while the colour white connotes innocence, which could show the juxtaposition between the protagonists and antagonist of our film.
The other production company title that we chose to use is "Woodland Films" For the design, we placed white text over a abandoned forest in the dark. To enhance the effect of the dark, we lowered the lighting of the original picture, to set a gloomy mood. The theme of dark locations is conventional to horror movies.
The next type of title that we have included in our film is our production credits, which appear at the end of our trailer. We followed the conventional design of production credits in a film trailer, by having the small white text against a black background. As well as this, we have placed the release date of our film in large, bold text at the bottom of the screen. This is informative to our audience, as it tells us when they can expect to see our film.
The other type of title that we have used in our trailer is the title of our film. This appears on the screen towards the end of our trailer. We chose to create our own text design, in which we used the website "https://cooltext.com/." We wanted to use text which linked to the genre of horror, so we chose a sinister style of text to achieve this.
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